fax: 914-738-7166
email: info@tri-lok.com
The Tri-Lok Safety Plug Lock protects the elevator door lock release key hole from anyone without the proper authorization and cylinder key.
Tri-Lok Pricelist
Please call for quotations on locks and/or accessories for any special application of shaftway doors over 1-1/2" in thickness. Prices are subject to change and do not include taxes, duties, or shipping charges. Terms are net 30 days after credit is established. All others C.O.D. Payments are to be in U.S. $ only: Check/draft drawn on a U.S. bank or international money order. Quantity discounts apply as follows: 100 or more locks earn 10%. Fifty-dollar ($50) minimum per order after discount.
Normal delivery is 5 to 7 working days after receipt of purchase order.Items listed may be discontinued. For stock on any item please call*
Catalog #1550 - SL-A Chrome finish - 7pin keying - $55.35 ea.
Catalog #1555 - SL-A Brass finish - 7pin keying - $55.35 ea.
Catalog #1545 - SL-A Chrome finish - 7pin keying - FEO-K1 - $55.35 ea.
Catalog #1750 - SL-M Chrome finish - 5pin keying - $73.00 ea.
Catalog #1755 - SL-M Brass finish - 5pin keying - $73.00 ea.
Catalog #1400 - Universal door lock release flag - $20.00 ea.
Catalog #1411 - 1545 Key only - $6.75 ea.
Catalog #1413 - 1540S Key only - $6.75 ea.
Catalog #1415 - 1550-1555 Key only - $6.75 ea.
Catalog #1417 - 1750-1755 Key only - $6.75 ea.
Catalog #1419 - 1750Q Key only - 9.75 ea.
Catalog #1420 - Universal door lock release tool - $9.75 ea.
Catalog #1421 - Code Compliant Group 1-4 key tag Call for $
Catalog #1450 - Extension tube - custom sizes
N1 - 1 "Ext. Tube - N/C
N2 - 1-1/4" Ext. Tube - $15.00 ea.
N3 - 1-3/4" Ext. Tube - $15.00 ea.
N4 - 2" Ext. Tube - $15.00 ea.
N5 - 3" Ext. Tube - $15.00 ea.